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Need help doing vanos test with INPA

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    Looks good, intake is 1 degree off but I wouldn't change it. So far nothing strange I could observe with these values.


      Maybe some bad fuel?


        Originally posted by Tomba View Post
        Looks good, intake is 1 degree off but I wouldn't change it. So far nothing strange I could observe with these values.
        Thanks sir for looking. I really need to learn how to decipher these values my self

        I want to go can a few pages and compare the test results from my s54 turbo car and thus S54 wagon and see how they compare.


          Originally posted by elbert View Post
          Maybe some bad fuel?
          Possibly, I and to some octane booster and see if there's any change


            Originally posted by Tomba View Post
            pinging sounds more like cumbustion is not OK. Would check fuel trims and knock adaption too.

            Grab yourself a Bryson mullet tune
            2002 Topasblau M3 - Coupe - 6MT - Karbonius CSL Airbox - MSS54HP Conversion - Kassel MAP - SSV1 - HJS - PCS Tune - Beisan - MK60 Swap - ZCP Rack - Nogaros - AutoSolutions - 996 Brembos - Slon - CMP - VinceBar - Koni - Eibach - BlueBus - Journal

            2012 Alpinweiss 128i - Coupe - 6AT - Slicktop - Manual Seats - Daily - Journal


              Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post
              Thanks sir for looking. I really need to learn how to decipher these values my self
              It's very simple, not rocket science.

              The first job performed is STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG -> Command inlet VANOS advance until endstop.
              When it completes you get back the SOLLWERT, German for setpoint, and the ISTWERT, which is the actual value.
              The setpoint gets always set to -10, the value it expects to see is 0.
              I would say +-1 would be deemed good, +-2 would be acceptable, anything beyond that and your engine just isn't in time properly.

              After that it goes to STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG -> Command inlet VANOS retard until endstop.
              The setpoint here is 75, while it expects to see 60. Again here +-1 would be good +-2 would be acceptable, etc.

              Next up is STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT -> Command inlet VANOS adjustment time
              It returns EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH which is the time it took to fully retard the intake cam, and EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET which represents the time it took to fully advance the intake cam.
              We consider under 250ms-ish good here, DIS allows up to 500ms before it fails you.

              The rest of the test is the same thing but for the AVANOS which is just the exhaust side.
              The only difference being the intake ranges from 0-60, while the exhaust ranges from 0-48, same tolerances apply, exhaust is usally a bit faster on the adjustment due to less range.

              Last edited by bmwfnatic; 10-24-2024, 01:48 PM.
              E46 ///M3 • 12/2002 • phönix-gelb • 6MT
              E39 ///M5 • 12/1998 • avus-blau • 6MT
              E60 ///M5 • 11/2006 • saphir-schwarz • 6MT


                Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post
                So I had a question about the Vanos test.

                One of my cars is starting to have the marbles in a can sound at low RPM with a load on the engine. Sounds like pinging but it's a fresh rebuild. It's the same sign you're hearing cars when you run low octane fuel when you get the marbles in the canned sound.

                Doing some searching I came across several instances where they mentioned timing being off.

                I have never heard the pinging before until recently, so my guess is maybe it would probably go away if I reset Vanos adaptations and then probably come back

                So if I want to run the Vanos test, should I run it now and it's current state or should I run it after I reset adaptations?

                And would a successful vanos test mean that the engine is properly timed

                I also had these Shadow codes. I never saw a check engine light but I decided to check codes today and saw these Shadow codes. Inlet Vanos retard valve errors
                This sounds like the CSL tune on stock cams if your marbles are below 2800rpm or so at medium/high throttle. Cam offsets will not solve this. I believe the only way to eliminate it is to remap several of the fields in the CSL file itself beyond a simple tune. As Heinz mentioned, I have created maps that solve this and bring back stock drivability. I call them the mullet tune. If you’re interested, shoot me a PM.
                ‘02 332iT / 6 | ‘70 Jaguar XJ6 electric conversion


                  Tomba, thank you so much for the .tst file! Very easy to perform with tools that I already own!

                  To keep the thread rolling, here are my results from the test, on a freshly rebuilt motor with all new chains, chain guides, vanos seals, etc. with a few dyno pulls and 1 race weekend on it.
                  I may re-time it over the winter to get that last 2 degrees on the intake cam.

                  Test file : C:\EDIABAS\ECU\MSS54_VANOS_TESTS.TST
                  Start : 29.10.2024 17:28:44.6
                  Nr 1( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:28:44.8
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG", "","")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  EVAN_ISTWERT = -2 FF FF FF FE ÿÿÿþ
                  EVAN_SOLLWERT = -10 FF FF FF F6 ÿÿÿö
                  EVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  EVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  Nr 2( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:28:50.2
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG", "","")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  EVAN_ISTWERT = 58 00 3A .:
                  EVAN_SOLLWERT = 75 00 4B .K
                  EVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  EVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  Nr 3( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:28:55.7
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT"," ","")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH = 263 01 07 ..
                  EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET = 226 00 E2 .â
                  EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH_EINH = ms
                  EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET_EINH = ms
                  Nr 4( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:02.1
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT",""," ")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  EVAN_STATUS = EVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet
                  Nr 5( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:16.5
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG", "","")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  AVAN_ISTWERT = -1 FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿ
                  AVAN_SOLLWERT = -10 FF FF FF F6 ÿÿÿö
                  AVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  AVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  Nr 6( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:22.0
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG", "","")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  AVAN_ISTWERT = 47 00 2F ./
                  AVAN_SOLLWERT = 55 00 37 .7
                  AVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  AVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                  Nr 7( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:27.4
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT"," ","")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH = 219 00 DB .Û
                  AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET = 215 00 D7 .×
                  AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH_EINH = ms
                  AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET_EINH = ms
                  Nr 8( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:33.8
                  apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_DICHTHEIT",""," ")
                  JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                  AVAN_STATUS = AVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet
                  Stop : 29.10.2024 17:29:48.8
                  Dauer : 64.2 s


                    Originally posted by Deutsch View Post
                    Tomba, thank you so much for the .tst file! Very easy to perform with tools that I already own!

                    To keep the thread rolling, here are my results from the test, on a freshly rebuilt motor with all new chains, chain guides, vanos seals, etc. with a few dyno pulls and 1 race weekend on it.
                    I may re-time it over the winter to get that last 2 degrees on the intake cam.

                    Test file : C:\EDIABAS\ECU\MSS54_VANOS_TESTS.TST
                    Start : 29.10.2024 17:28:44.6
                    Nr 1( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:28:44.8
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG", "","")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    EVAN_ISTWERT = -2 FF FF FF FE ÿÿÿþ
                    EVAN_SOLLWERT = -10 FF FF FF F6 ÿÿÿö
                    EVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    EVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    Nr 2( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:28:50.2
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG", "","")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    EVAN_ISTWERT = 58 00 3A .:
                    EVAN_SOLLWERT = 75 00 4B .K
                    EVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    EVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    Nr 3( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:28:55.7
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT"," ","")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH = 263 01 07 ..
                    EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET = 226 00 E2 .â
                    EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH_EINH = ms
                    EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET_EINH = ms
                    Nr 4( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:02.1
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT",""," ")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    EVAN_STATUS = EVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet
                    Nr 5( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:16.5
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG", "","")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    AVAN_ISTWERT = -1 FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿ
                    AVAN_SOLLWERT = -10 FF FF FF F6 ÿÿÿö
                    AVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    AVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    Nr 6( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:22.0
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG", "","")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    AVAN_ISTWERT = 47 00 2F ./
                    AVAN_SOLLWERT = 55 00 37 .7
                    AVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    AVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                    Nr 7( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:27.4
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT"," ","")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH = 219 00 DB .Û
                    AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET = 215 00 D7 .×
                    AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH_EINH = ms
                    AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET_EINH = ms
                    Nr 8( 1) : 29.10.2024 17:29:33.8
                    apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_DICHTHEIT",""," ")
                    JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                    AVAN_STATUS = AVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet
                    Stop : 29.10.2024 17:29:48.8
                    Dauer : 64.2 s
                    Actually you don't need to retime engine- there is full diapason of vanos (from -2 to 58 (60 degrees) and from -1 to 47 (48 degrees). Starting position of cams will be zeroed with adaptations.


                      Originally posted by Tomba View Post
                      pinging sounds more like cumbustion is not OK. Would check fuel trims and knock adaption too.
                      Cumbustion, you mean fuel contamination?


                        Originally posted by ac427 View Post

                        Cumbustion, you mean fuel contamination?
                        Could be yes.

