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What did you do for your M3 today?

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    Finally had enough time at home during a weekend that I got a new SMG GPS and new giubo installed plus the rest of the car reassembled.

    Holy hell, what a difference! The SMG is now very smooth and quick in a way that it just wasn't before. The temptation to take the rehab and relocation all the way is stronger now.

    I wish there was a way to get more gear position sensors into the market so they aren't $1k a pop. If the sensor was $200, I'd recommend it to anyone with an SMG at over 100k miles.


      Originally posted by Calb View Post
      My M turned 22 last week so I thought it was time for some upgrades. New wheels ,tires and coilovers. I went with Zeitgeist CSL-R wheels, Pilot sport 4S and KW V1
      the wheels are stunning. Then some maintenance work . Click image for larger version

Name:	595ec1da-cdd5-4161-939f-f2efc67687f7.png
Views:	517
Size:	830.1 KB
ID:	252215
      Those look great. Thanks for being the forum guinea pig


        Originally posted by Calb View Post
        My M turned 22 last week so I thought it was time for some upgrades. New wheels ,tires and coilovers. I went with Zeitgeist CSL-R wheels, Pilot sport 4S and KW V1
        the wheels are stunning. Then some maintenance work . Click image for larger version

Name:	595ec1da-cdd5-4161-939f-f2efc67687f7.png
Views:	517
Size:	830.1 KB
ID:	252215


          I found a better picture. Click image for larger version

Name:	4 - 3Piece CSL Reimagined - Lower ISO.jpg
Views:	405
Size:	93.6 KB
ID:	252293


            i remember seeing those on social media but no weights advertised (which is never a good sign)


              Average is 24 pounds.


                Click image for larger version

Name:	20240209_115344.jpg
Views:	301
Size:	136.3 KB
ID:	252640 Click image for larger version  Name:	20240209_101752.jpg Views:	0 Size:	368.5 KB ID:	252602
                Finally got this sick front strut brace bar from the Black Friday group buy thanks to LSBNick
                Last edited by EthanolTurbo; 02-09-2024, 02:34 PM.
                Instagram: @logicalconclusion


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0713.jpg
Views:	390
Size:	113.0 KB
ID:	252621 Having my plates put on today.
                  '99 M3, Hellrot/Sand Beige, slicktop
                  '01 M3, Imola/black


                    Picked up an 03 e46 m3 with 110k miles yesterday and just did inspection 2 and refreshed all the bushings….now trying to take care of the big 3 and some eml and rear rubbing noise issue….


                      Really, taking all weekend to do this because I'm slow, like to clean and inspect stuff...belts, tensioners, pulleys, fan w/fan clutch, and new alternator. Original fan clutch after 85,000 miles was leaking the viscous fluid for some reason, so easy replacement since it was coming out anyway (thanks to Anri's comments on worn fan clutches contributing to overheating).

                      BTW--aside from brute force, is there a way to back off the slide nut on the alternator in situ in order to make removal a little easer? Gawd I fought that for an hour or so. Looking at the old alternator, the slide nut looks to twist as it is pulled inward; I attempted to push it back out a little after removal as I will put this one on the shelf for a raining day, but was unsuccessful (voltage will still OK around 13.9V running per the OBC last I checked).

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1044.jpg Views:	0 Size:	253.8 KB ID:	252905
                      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1046.jpg Views:	0 Size:	139.5 KB ID:	252908
                      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_9543.jpg Views:	0 Size:	120.8 KB ID:	252909
                      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_1050.jpg Views:	0 Size:	127.1 KB ID:	252907
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by PSUEng; 02-11-2024, 10:41 AM.


                        Finally got around to installing these. After heavy rain they got a bit water logged.


                          Got some new-to-me trim installed. I have wood in my other BMWs, and I felt like it was missing in the M3. Doesn't help that the Titan Silver was poorly refinished. Hit the SMG surround with Duplicolor Black Vinyl paint. If anyone is able to identify what exact trim this is I would appreciate it.


                            Originally posted by E464life View Post
                            Picked up an 03 e46 m3 with 110k miles yesterday and just did inspection 2 and refreshed all the bushings….now trying to take care of the big 3 and some eml and rear rubbing noise issue….
                            you refreshed all the bushings in a day?
                            2005 ///M3 SMG Coupe Silbergrau Metallic/CSL bucket seats
                            Build Thread:


                              Originally posted by PSUEng View Post
                              Really, taking all weekend to do this because I'm slow, like to clean and inspect stuff...belts, tensioners, pulleys, fan w/fan clutch, and new alternator. Original fan clutch after 85,000 miles was leaking the viscous fluid for some reason, so easy replacement since it was coming out anyway (thanks to Anri's comments on worn fan clutches contributing to overheating).

                              BTW--aside from brute force, is there a way to back off the slide nut on the alternator in situ in order to make removal a little easer? Gawd I fought that for an hour or so. Looking at the old alternator, the slide nut looks to twist as it is pulled inward; I attempted to push it back out a little after removal as I will put this one on the shelf for a raining day, but was unsuccessful (voltage will still OK around 13.9V running per the OBC last I checked).

                              Click image for larger version Name:	IMG_1044.jpg Views:	0 Size:	253.8 KB ID:	252905
                              Click image for larger version Name:	IMG_1046.jpg Views:	0 Size:	139.5 KB ID:	252908
                              Click image for larger version Name:	IMG_9543.jpg Views:	0 Size:	120.8 KB ID:	252909
                              Click image for larger version Name:	IMG_1050.jpg Views:	0 Size:	127.1 KB ID:	252907
                              Your new fan blades are installed wrong, you need to flip the fan.
                              BMW / E46M Interior & Trim Restoration.


                                Originally posted by TexaZ3 View Post

                                Your new fan blades are installed wrong, you need to flip the fan.
                                Are you saying that the new assembly on the left doesn't match the as-removed assembly on the right, or that they both match and are incorrect? If the later I’m surprised because to my knowledge that is the original fan assembly the car came with. To me both assemblies look to have the fan blades at the same position.

